This page provides complete information to its visitors about Punjab Daanish Schools Authority and Centers of Excellence jobs 2022. Applicants interested in seeking Department of Education jobs in Punjab should also apply to Department of Education Special Punjab Jobs 2022.
We collected some advertisements related to PDS&CEA Jobs. These vacancies are opening up at PDS&CEA Lahore. The competent authority seeks to hire motivated, committed and highly dynamic professionals to fill the vacant positions.
Jobs are available for Principal Quantity Appraiser, Audit Officer, Estates/Lands Officer, Assistant, Driver, Dispatch Passenger, Naib Qasid and Street Sweeper.
The eligibility criteria for these positions require literacy, elementary, secondary, intermediate, or bachelor's degrees. Desired people can get complete details of vacancy notice.
تازہ ترین سرکاری اور پرائیوٹ نوکریاں کی معلومات اپنے واٹس اپ پر بالکل فری حاصل کرنے کیلئے ابھی نیچے موجود لنک پر کلک کر کے ہمارا واٹس اپ گروپ جوائن کریں۔ شکریہ
Ad Published Date: 07-Dec-2022
News Paper: Jang
Location: Pakistan
Education: Primary, Middle, Bachelor, Master, B.Ed, M.Ed, Ph.D, MBA, M.Phil, BS
Total Vacancy: 13
YouTube: Subscribe
Whatsapp Group: Join Here
Last Date :16-Dec-2022.
Company: Punjab Daanish Schools & Centers of Excellence Authority
Punjab Daanish Schools & Centers of Excellence Authority