The Balochistan Anti-Narcotics and Excise Control Department has announced the written test schedule for the 2022 jobs of the Baluchistan Anti-Narcotics and Excise Department, which was announced on 16th February 2022. We received this written test of jobs from Agents in Baluchistan Anti-Narcotics and Excise from the Daily Jang.
Download roll number ballot:
Currently, the competent department has announced the written test schedule for male officers who pass the physical test. Interested applicants can download the Roll Number Proof from http://systemlinkss.com/ExciseBalochistan/RollNumber/S_RollNumber.php Or click here.
The written tests will take place on March 24, 2022. Candidates are therefore requested to download the list number sheet from the link mentioned above in order to appear in the written test.