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Biodata format


 Biodata format 


Biodata stands for biographical data, a document of 2 to 3 pages that is used for applying for jobs. Biodata outlines the elements of your life which include personal data detail, education information, your main skills, work experience, and extra co-curricular activities. It is the most prominent feature in Pakistan and India.

Biodata outlines all the information besides personal information. Biodata sheets also contain gender, religion, hobbies, contact address, etc. It not only contains your career information but also summarizes information about your personal life in a document.


     Biodata can be used by employees as a fact document for personal selection.

     It also uses a CV and resume

     Government Employees also used it as an application

     It is also used as temporary employment in other countries.

     Also used a replacement resume in south Asia


Biodata format:

Biodata format is the format that points out the information such as date of birth, your contact, parents information, residence, religion, nationality along with it also containing education experience, job experience, and other certifications.

Biodata Resume Format

Biodata Resume format is used for employment to apply for a job. Biodata resume format contains the following items:


Contains overall life, career objective that why are you are more adequate for the job.

Personal details:

Contains Name, date of birth, parents info, address, contact detail, religion, hobbies, experiences, passion, interests, etc. To know about you and how you help to accomplish the goals of the company.

Educational background:

Your academic background and your achievements are related to job position to having the job.


 Awards, achievements, history with obtaining skills are also mentioned for the job.

For an employer, the biodata format asks questions for which an employee will be answerable to get the job. 

Types of Biodata

There are 5 types of biodata:

     Marriage Biodata

     Job Biodata

     Personal Biodata

     Educational Biodata

     Medical Biodata.


Marriage Biodata

Marriage biodata is very common in countries like India and Pakistan where arranged marriages are still common. Vast information of individuals is also added to decide the recipient.

Marriage Biodata Format:

Marriage Biodata Format highlights the traits of a person that a potential marriage partner finds attractive. Marriage biodata contains the following items;

General information includes the date of birth, caste, name, background, height, weight, hair, contact info, mobile number, email address, social media information, hobbies, interests, religion. Desires you want to achieve. Partner expectations and qualities that you want in your partner. Their cast, religion, family background, looks, etc.

Biodata for a job is a collection of knowledge for individual qualifications and abilities. It highlights the information of the individual according to the particular job.

Many organizations have their criteria for candidates to apply for jobs which highlights the skills of the employer. That information is then useful for the company to choose the candidates that fully cover the criteria of the company.  The information is used as an examination tool for employers. The information contained personal data along with other extra information.

The following items are included in the application:

Objective: objective just contains 2 two lines that show how that job is fit for the position. This is a very helpful opening for beginners and for those who have limited work experience. The objective tells how that person helps the company to establish the company and enhance the working of the system.  The main points that a person should keep in their minds are:

     Note down the training and experiences

     Personal Information

     Current position in the present company

     Complete email address

     Contact information


     Postal address

     Date of Birth


     Marriage status

     Parents information




     Education status


The whole education status contains school, college or graduate, on and post-graduation grades. Also mentioned are academic awards and course records. Also mentioned is the work experience and the responsibility that a person performs in previous jobs.

Biodata Format For Teacher

The biodata format of teachers tells their qualifications, their skills, and ability to teach the students but the format can't overemphasize their education. This format is for both the private and public sectors.  Due to the wide range of subjects and specialized students. It seems difficult to choose the best teacher for the subject in the institute. The items included in the format are:

Personal information, contact information, parent information, qualification, skills, experience, interest, why this job is needed for you, if the person is illegal for the job or not.

Biodata Format For Students

Biodata of the student contains the information of the student about their studies and other relative student's level of education and learning. It provides the information that is needed for document purposes and concern sure concerns.

The format includes name, age, higher education, grades, department, previous institutes.

Biodata Format for Freshers:

This type of format is very useful for people who have very limited work experience and who are going to graduate from their school, college and university. It then helps them to emphasize their education, skills and experience for creating a professional-level resume.

When you have no work experience, you need to mathatresume which highlights the two main items which include profile and education.

Important are included in the format are

Personal data, recent internship details, courses, department, schooling, skills.

Header:  It contains name, contact information, address, id card, number. Also summarize the information that why you want to join the company.

Write a work position listed in the company for which you are applying.

Educational Qualifications: This plays a vital role for the candidates who have no work experience as it adds to the academic qualifications. List out all the secondary and higher education information and also the graduation level information. For instance shortlist the matric and FSC results along with the name of institute and candidate, board name, passing year  etc. Then also tell about the universe, city, college,e and the final cgpa obtained during graduation.

Skills: Skills which are the important and the main requirements to apply for the job. Included interests, certificates, projects, hobbies, other details, etc. Highlights The skills which are helpful for the recruits to collect the eye-catching eye catching for them. You can also rename and edit the format and save it in the word format and any other forma 

Biodata Format Biodatases

Bio data format for nurses depends on the destination and workThe nursingence. Nursing curriculum contains goals, professional experience. All this information starts with names and basic information.

Their experience includes clinical experience and further proceeding places. The name of the clinic and hospital were currently working along with period  of work experience.

The items include in format are:

Name, contact information, work experience, educational information, skills, certification, seminars, Conferences ,hobbies, etc.





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